
Second edition of Sinus lift and filling course
Second edition of Sinus lift and filling course
Sponsors BREDENT (Implants and biomaterials) and Alquimia Oral. Are you going to miss this opportunity? Second edition of Sinus lift and filling course (Sorriso Natural) Valongo in Portugal. Theory , hands on in phantoms and SURGERY in patients by all...
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Second edition of Design & Technique
Second edition of Design & Technique
Are you going to miss this opportunity? Local do evento: Porto More informations:
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Seminário "Predictable Implantology"
Seminário “Predictable Implantology… every decision counts…” na Índia
A Minec: MegaGen International Network of Education and clinical Research levou 40 dentistas de 24 países à Índia para em conjunto exporem os seus conhecimentos e trabalho sobre a temática da implantologia. O MINEC é uma organização sem fins lucrativos...
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